“Relationships In Christ: Obedience & Service” – Ephesians 6:1-9

Led by Rev. Sam Mawhinney.

Click here to download the sermon notes handout for children.

Welcome & Call to Worship

Opening Hymn: IPH 527 Psalm 23 (The Lord’s My Shepherd)

Prayers of Adoration and Confession 

Reading: Ephesians 6:1-9

Sermon: “Relationships In Christ: Obedience & Service”

Hymn Of Reflection: IPH 452 King Of Kings, Majesty

Prayers for Others


Closing Hymn: IPH 491 Be Thou My Vision


Click here to read a transcript of today’s sermon.

Discussion & Application

Nurturing our children – how can that be done well in our Church family and natural families?

Doing your work for Jesus – how might that make a difference to how you work?

What areas of society most challenge your living for Jesus?