A look at a typical night at the ARPC International Café
Whether you have come to Dublin as a language student, an undergraduate or a post graduate, we pray you will soon become part of the church family at Adelaide Road Presbyterian Church (ARPC). As a city centre church, ARPC has church members from all over the world, and you would be most welcome to join us at our Sunday services at 11 am and stay for a nice cup of coffee or tea afterwards.
A friendly group of Christians from Adelaide Road Presbyterian Church organises ARPC International Café, but you don’t have to be a Christian or to sign up beforehand, just come along. It starts at 19:00pm, all are welcome!

Keep in Touch With People Around the World
Fun Games and Snacks
You can practise your English through all the games we play after the snacks. It’s a fun way to learn and improve your English and make new friends.

Nua Origins Where Faith Begins
NUA is all about exploration: it’s a film series that encourages questions, acknowledges doubt, and offers an engaging perspective on the Christian faith.
NUA equips you with the ability to intelligently explore and understand what you believe. We give you tools to discuss your worldview with credibility and confidence, while encouraging you to wrestle with the things that just don’t seem to make sense. At the end of the day, this film series is about impact—immediate and personal, as well as the long-term, life-changing experience of working out your faith.